Monday, April 5, 2010

Pretty Good Weekend

I didn't have Good Friday off my company doesn't give it to us off because it's labeled as a religious holiday. I don't think anyone who isn't religious or isn't Christian would have cared if it meant having a day off so that part sucked but overall it wasn't a bad start to the weekend. I came in to work a little early so that I could leave early. After dinner, John and I tried to go to a concert that night but the tickets were sold out by the time we got there (lesson learned----buy the tix ahead of time, especially if the venue is small). We went to see a movie instead--The Hurt Locker. It wasn't bad but I have to admit I fell asleep through most of the beginning. It's very much a guy movie.

On Saturday, we finally got the bamboos to plant in John's yard and I got my solar powered dancing Chinese couple thingy (don't really know the right word for it) that I have been wanting when I first laid eyes on it 2 weeks ago. That night, we just went out to dinner and then relaxed at home.

On Sunday, after lunch, I took John to the Buddhist temple. He had never been and since this was the last weekend of the Jade Lady Festival (not quite sure if that's the name), I thought it would be a good way for him to see the temple. It was nice that the weather wasn't extremely hot like it was on Saturday but it was a bit crowded. There were booths serving yummy looking Vegetarian food but we had already eaten lunch. I haven't been to the temple in at least 7 years and it has changed so much from the last time I was there. Walking around, all I could think about was how much disrespect some people can have. It's supposed to be a 'holy' place yet there was trash left in plant containers, on the ground and even in the lakes. So sad.

Anyways, I took a few pictures of the temple visit. The green statue was the big attraction. It is made entirely of Jade and was making a tour around the country. Yesterday was the last day it was in Houston before moving on to its next destination.

Entirely of Jade! It must take an army to move it.