Monday, March 29, 2010

Busy Busy

It was one busy weekend! Running around doing things all day Saturday and Sunday. I'm beat.

Had a really hard time getting up this morning but that's nothing new---It's Monday. Yuck!

Have lots I need to do this week. Namely, speaking with a couple more travel agents to check on prices and availability for our trip. It doesn't feel real. Maybe once we pay the $$$$, then it will.

Gotta Work On

I definately need to work on:
1. My temper
2. My impatience
3. My sensitivity

All three are usually related to one another. I get pissed waiting around for someone or something to happen and if it doesn't or it takes too long, I take it out on others who, in return take in out on me thus leading to tears or the silent treatment.

I have a tendency to take things too personal and can get upset and cry easily. I need to work on it!!!

Maybe I should get Botox so I don't show my emotions. =)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Little Garden

I love flowers so I wanted to start my own little flower garden at John's house. Since I don't have much of a green thumb (but I want to learn), my mom showed me how to plant these.

Here are some pictures of what I have done (so far).








Once John puts in his bamboos, a fountain and a bistro set (please????), it will be a little oasis...hee hee

Monday, March 22, 2010

My 1st Attempt

Last week, I told John that I wanted to start cooking him a Vietnamese dish once a week. I really want to learn how to cook Vietnamese food and I want to learn how to cook it the way I grew up eating it. The way my mom and sister made it.

I've made him other dishes before (e.g. banh xeo-vietnamese crepe) but this was my first attempt at making something that involves simmering, making a sauce for it, reducing, etc.

On the menu was carmelized spare ribs and sauteed bok choy with shrimp and shitake mushroom.

I was very apprehensive about how it would turn out so I made him go upstairs so he wouldn't see if I screwed up (sorry sweetie---the truth comes out about why I didn't want you in the kitchen with me...hee hee). Making the caramel was the scariest part (since I've never made it before and was afraid I would burn it) but it came out alright.

I thought I let the meat get a little too crisp but John said he liked it and wouldn't change a thing about it. He said he would definately eat it again. Yea for my 1st attempt!!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stupid Phone

I love my iPhone but sometimes, it's a piece of sh-t. This past Saturday, John, Vivian and I went to the Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Garden. I used my iPhone to take pictures (because my boyfriend didn't remind me to bring my digital camera). We were walking into the prettier part of the Garden when my iPhone just died on me. I knew it couldn't be the battery since I was charging it in the car on the looooooong drive there. I kept trying to turn it back on and nothing. Needless to say, I was pissed and when I'm pissed, I can't enjoy myself. We walked the rest of the arboretum and when we got back to the front of the park, I managed to get my iPhone to boot back up. I honestly don't know what buttons I pushed but it must have been the buttons for a master reset. This is only the 1st time my iPhone has done this to me (didn't really lock up, more like it turned off by itself and I couldn't get it back on), but the problem reminds me alot of the problems I had with my iPod where I used to have to reset it alot.

Anyways, I did manage to get a couple of photos. It was such a beautiful day. Sunshine. Cool temperature. Too bad, I was boiling mad on the inside.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Forward

What's the worst thing about today???

It's Monday.

And what can make Monday even worse than it already is?

It's the first day going back to work after having to spring forward our clocks!

Who ever came up with springing forward should be beaten to a pulp!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Since I'm getting OLD and it doesn't look like children will be in my future (or in the near future anyways), can one of my nieces hurry up and have kids so I can spoil them rotten?????

I was at Old Navy and Target with my niece Tracy a few days ago and we were looking at clothes and knick knacks for little girls (she was shopping for her boyfriend's daughter while I was trying to find a gift for a friend's daughter). Omg. So cute!!!!!!

Seeing all the adorable stuff (the girl's stuff...the boy's stuff aren't so cute) makes me want to have a baby. The feeling doesn't last very long though because one noise that I absolutely abhor is the sound of crying kids. Babies are a different story but whiny toddlers are the worst.

When my niece Vivian was a baby, I would spoil that child rotten buying her all these Guess and Baby Gap clothes. No wonder the kid followed me around everywhere. She knew who would dress her well!

I know my sister can't wait until she has her first grandchild (probably from Susan, though I can't see her as a mother; being a teacher would surely turn me off from wanting to have kids). I can already picture that poor child if it's a girl. The kid is going to be decked out in bows, chiffon and flower patterned everything. Hee Hee

Monday, March 8, 2010

Love the music

Being with John has opened my eyes to alot of new things that I probably would have never tried because I'm a creature of habit. But I want to make him as happy as he makes me so in the past year I have worked on trying to get out of my comfort zone and giving new things (whether it's food, music, tv shows, movies, etc) a try.

He's gotten me to listen to music that frankly, I thought would be boring but to my surprise, alot of the musicians he's introduced me to are good. One in particular is Jack Johnson. I love, love, love his music. I only wished he would come on tour here so I can go!!!

His music is upbeat but yet mellow. He's an artist that shows you don't have to sing about slapping your bitch or kicking someone's ass or hating on people. His music is original---unlike some artists who do nothing but sample from others and think they make it their own by sticking a bunch of stupid words (or what they think are real words) to it.

Sooooo Happy

One year together!!

I can't believe how fast the year has flown by. Each day that goes by, I love him more and more. He treats me with respect, takes care of me and loves me just the way I am. I will be forever grateful to my niece Tracy for giving me the push or I would have never met him.

Baby, YOU are my love and my best friend and I thank God, Buddha and my lucky stars every day for bringing such a wonderful, sweet, honest, kind, caring and handsome person into my life. I love you!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ugh---hate him!

What to do when you can't stand your friend's significant other?

I completely and utterly loathe this friend's husband! He treats her like a maid and a secretary. Initially I felt sorry for her but not anymore. She won't stand up to the jerk so I can't feel bad about it. If any man ever tells me what to do and treats me the way he treats her, he will be out on the street so fast. She doesn't even realize how she holds the cards in that relationship. She is the one raising the children, taking care of the house (and everything else) while his fat ass orders her around. If she divorces him, she could take him for everything.

I used to say things to her about it but she always has an excuse for his behavior --- how he works long hours, how he works hard to provide them a nice home, blah blah blah. That's what it is to me --- blah blah blah --- a bunch of empty meaningless words.

It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to be around her if he's around. I've met the guy a couple of times and we've had maybe a total of 10 words spoken to each other. I hope he's seen and read the disgusts in my face everytime we've been in the same room together.