Monday, March 8, 2010

Love the music

Being with John has opened my eyes to alot of new things that I probably would have never tried because I'm a creature of habit. But I want to make him as happy as he makes me so in the past year I have worked on trying to get out of my comfort zone and giving new things (whether it's food, music, tv shows, movies, etc) a try.

He's gotten me to listen to music that frankly, I thought would be boring but to my surprise, alot of the musicians he's introduced me to are good. One in particular is Jack Johnson. I love, love, love his music. I only wished he would come on tour here so I can go!!!

His music is upbeat but yet mellow. He's an artist that shows you don't have to sing about slapping your bitch or kicking someone's ass or hating on people. His music is original---unlike some artists who do nothing but sample from others and think they make it their own by sticking a bunch of stupid words (or what they think are real words) to it.


My Pretty Wings said...

HAHAHHHA! phuong would be mad if she saw this! my mom called avril's mom and told her that we're trying to have a baby! WTF

vngirl said...

No way! WTH. Ha Ha Ha.

You know she's going to making dresses and bows for the kid like she did for you guys when ya'll were little.