Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ugh---hate him!

What to do when you can't stand your friend's significant other?

I completely and utterly loathe this friend's husband! He treats her like a maid and a secretary. Initially I felt sorry for her but not anymore. She won't stand up to the jerk so I can't feel bad about it. If any man ever tells me what to do and treats me the way he treats her, he will be out on the street so fast. She doesn't even realize how she holds the cards in that relationship. She is the one raising the children, taking care of the house (and everything else) while his fat ass orders her around. If she divorces him, she could take him for everything.

I used to say things to her about it but she always has an excuse for his behavior --- how he works long hours, how he works hard to provide them a nice home, blah blah blah. That's what it is to me --- blah blah blah --- a bunch of empty meaningless words.

It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to be around her if he's around. I've met the guy a couple of times and we've had maybe a total of 10 words spoken to each other. I hope he's seen and read the disgusts in my face everytime we've been in the same room together.