Monday, March 22, 2010

My 1st Attempt

Last week, I told John that I wanted to start cooking him a Vietnamese dish once a week. I really want to learn how to cook Vietnamese food and I want to learn how to cook it the way I grew up eating it. The way my mom and sister made it.

I've made him other dishes before (e.g. banh xeo-vietnamese crepe) but this was my first attempt at making something that involves simmering, making a sauce for it, reducing, etc.

On the menu was carmelized spare ribs and sauteed bok choy with shrimp and shitake mushroom.

I was very apprehensive about how it would turn out so I made him go upstairs so he wouldn't see if I screwed up (sorry sweetie---the truth comes out about why I didn't want you in the kitchen with me...hee hee). Making the caramel was the scariest part (since I've never made it before and was afraid I would burn it) but it came out alright.

I thought I let the meat get a little too crisp but John said he liked it and wouldn't change a thing about it. He said he would definately eat it again. Yea for my 1st attempt!!!!